In collaboration with my graduate advisors at Colorado State University, we were able to identify unique topics exploring Millenial consumer perceived consumption values for foreign Made versus Made in the USA apparel products. Our research efforts led to publishing two peer-reviewed articles.
This study examines how the country of manufacturing (i.e., Made in the USA) and the availability of the traceability feature will impact consumers’ perceived consumption values and purchase intentions among Millennial consumers in the United States. This study utilized a 2 (country of manufacturing: Not Made in USA vs. Made in USA) x 2 (traceability: absent vs. present) between-subjects factorial design. Participants consisted of 307 college students who were Millennial-aged consumers with the mean age of 20.08 at the time of data collection. Findings regarding the effect of Made in USA on perceived consumption value and purchase intention showed that Made in USA jeans did not hold functional, monetary, emotional, or epistemic values, but did hold the social value. The effects of traceability were somewhat similar to those of ‘Made in USA’ in this study. Results showed that jeans with the traceability feature did not hold functional, monetary, emotional, or social values, but did hold the epistemic value. Discussion and implications were provided.